5 Gallon Chemical Jug


5 gallon jug crafted with corrosion-resistant materials and easy to read product level markings. Configurable with cap and jug color options and optional mounting rack.



  • translucent polyethylene jug allows visibility of product levels
  • product level markings in gallons and liters
  • one-way vent on jugs with suction fittings prevents vapors and leaks
  • optional stainless steel rack, designed for easy cleaning
  • optional integrated suction fitting for 1/4 in. I.D. hose, with draw tube for chemical pickup
  • also offered in a 2.5 gallon capacity
  • color coding options:
    • cap – 9 colors (BK, BL, BN, GR, OR, PL, RD, WH, YL)
    • body – 8 colors (Natural, BL, BN, GR, OR, PL, RD, YL)

Looking for a way to secure your chemical? Try our 5 Gallon Chemical Jug with Locking Cap.


5 Gallon Chemical Jug

Operation Manual

2.5 and 5 Gallon Chemical Jugs - Operation Manual


5 gallons (18.9 liters)

tubing/fitting size

jugs with suction fitting option include fittings for 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) inside diameter hose

liquid temperature range

40-100˚F (4.4-37.8˚C)

chemical compatibility

Chemical products used with this equipment must be formulated for this type of application and compatible with unit materials and pump seals. For more information on chemical compatibility, consult the manufacturer or SDS for your product or contact our customer service department.

Product – Capacity Tank Color – Cap Color – Suction Rack
Jug (JGA) 5 Gallon (5) Natural (N) Black (CPBK) None (standard) None (standard)
Blue (BL) Blue (CPBL) Suction (S) Rack (R)
Brown (BN) Brown (CPBN) Locking Rack (LIR)
Green (GN) Green (CPGN)
Orange (OR) Orange (CPOR)
Purple (PL) Purple (CPPL)
Red (RD) Red (CPRD)
Yellow (YL) White (CPWH)
Yellow (CPYL)


Add option codes to item number as shown.


  • JGA-5N-CPBK-SR – 5 gallon natural jug with black cap, suction, and rack
  • JGA-5YL-CPYL – 5 gallon yellow jug with yellow cap
  • chemical jug with cap
  • jugs with suction fitting option only: Suction fitting for 1/4 in. (6.4mm) inside diameter hose
  • jugs with rack option only: Stainless steel rack with mounting hardware
  • user manual

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