Pre-Mix Electric Foam Unit


Electric, portable, pre-mix foam unit with on-board compressor. Comes with 25ft. of coiled discharge hose to maximize your reach.



  • draws from pre-mix solution
  • powered by 120 VAC electricity
  • 25 ft. (7.6 m) coiled twin-line tubing for convenient use
  • 65 degree fan tip for increased coverage
  • on-board compressor
  • compact design


Pre-Mix Electric Foam Unit

Operation Manual

Pre-Mix Electric Foam Unit

power type


chemical pickup type

draws from pre-mixed solution

number of products unit can draw from

one product

suction line length/diameter

6 ft. (1.8 m) hose with 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) inside diameter)

discharge hose length/diameter

25 ft. (7.6 m) coiled twin-line tubing, with 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) outside diameter

discharge wand/tip type

polypropylene trigger handle with 65˚ fan tip

output distance

4-6 feet (1.2-1.8 m)

output volume

6 gal/min (22.7 l/min) of foam

flow rate*

1 gal/min (3.8 l/min)

pump seals

Santoprene, Viton, or Kalrez

*dilution rates and flow rates given are based on chemical with viscosity of water and factory air pressure settings.

liquid temperature range

40-100˚F (4.4-37˚C)

electrical requirements

120 VAC at 60 Hz, 10 amps (GFCI protected outlet)

operating voltage

120 VAC

chemical compatibility

Chemical products used with this equipment must be formulated for this type of application and compatible with unit materials and pump seals. For more information on chemical compatibility, consult the manufacturer or SDS for your product or contact our customer service department.

FI-JR Santoprene (standard)
Viton (V)
Kalrez (K)


Add option codes to item number as shown.  For standard options, no option code is needed. Examples:

FI-JR (standard unit with Santoprene pump seals)
FI-JRV (unit with Viton pump seals)

  • complete unit with discharge hose and wand
  • user manual

Support Videos

How to adjust the wet/dry foam needle valve

Cómo ajustar la válvula de la aguja de la espuma húmeda o seca


Which pump seal material should I choose?

Pump Seal Material Compatibility

Choose a pump seal material that is compatible with the chemicals you will use. Chemical incompatibility can cause accelerated wear and equipment failure that is not covered by warranty, so it’s important to do your research.

  • Consult the safety data sheet (SDS) for your chemical to learn about the ingredients.
  • Use a chemical compatibility database (like this one: to look up the ingredients and find material compatibility info.
  • Note that the concentration of chemicals makes a big difference in compatibility. Think about whether the chemical you use will be in a pre-diluted or concentrated form when it is used in the equipment.
  • If you need help, ask your chemical manufacturer. Or, send your SDS to and we can help.

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