Concrete Truck Foamers
Keep the exterior of concrete trucks clean with our high concentrate foam units, watch the videos to see for yourself.
How to Install a New Unit
In this video: a new unit is mounted directly onto an ICB tote using a tote hanger.
- Locate 2 mounting holes on the rear of the unit
- Install brackets for tote mounting (use included mounting feet for wall installation)
- Hang brackets on tote and install locking pins
- Install brackets to hose hanger
- Mount the hose hanger and install locking pins
How to Adjust Foam Consistency
In this video: how to adjust the foam output consistency.
- Open unit box, locate black dial on the right near the air regulator
- Turn dial counterclockwise for dry (shaving cream) consistency
- Turn dial clockwise for wet (runny) consistency
- Once desired consistency is reached, close the box and continue normal operation.
How to Change a Pump
In this video: how to replace a quick change pump.
- Shut off and disconnect air and water lines
- Open ball valve on wand to depressurize
- Open the unit, release quick-change pump from clamp
- Release 3 clips with flat head screwdriver, 4th clip by hand
- Disconnect all 4 hoses and remove old pump
- REPLACE o-rings if necessary
- Reconnect all 4 hoses to replacement pump
- Secure all 4 clips (1 by hand, 3 with flathead)
- Secure replacement quick-change pump with clamp
- Close the unit, reconnect air/water, resume normal operation
How to Winterize a Unit
In this video: how to winterize the unit.
- Remove suction line from bulk chemistry container
- Open ball valve to clear chemistry from the line
- Run until all chemistry is out of the lines
- Shut off water and disconnect water line
- Open ball valve to release remaining pressure
- Loosen 2 band clamps and remove 2 hoses
- Use compressed air to push out remaining liquid
Units for the Concrete Industry

Questions? Just Reach Out.
(616) 656-9225